Any who, things to look forward to on this page: A list of Zones and areas and a link to each area via the map. Ah, you see its importance now do you? :]
Well, if you feel like checking it out now, the map actually has about eighty (80) images in it.
Loves and Huggles. Panda.
Zone and Area Archive:
- Haven Zone
- Village Outskirts
- North Haven
- The General Store
- House
- Petting Zoo #1
- Petting Zoo #2
- Petting Zoo #3
- Backyard
- 2nd Floor
- Central Haven
- The Schoolhouse
- Forest Zone
- The Bushy Woods
- The Darkened Forest
- The Fairgrounds
- The Shadow of the Mountain
- The Damp Forest
- Mountain Zone
- The Gentle Climb
- The Frigid Heights
- The Windy Peak
- The Precarious Ledge
- The Rocky Pass
- The Gentle Decline
- The Harbour
- Swamp Zone
- The Murky Trees
- The Secluded Reeds
- The Foggy Swamp
- The Dry Swamp
- The Dense Thicket
- Friend Zone
- The Friendly Woods
- The Friendly Swamp
- Hat Head Lake
- The Friendly Mountain
- Snow Zone
- The Billowing Snows
- The Glacial Crevice
- The Cracking Path
- The Frozen Lake
- The Snowy Plains
- The Hidden Valley
- The Beast's Field
- The Frosty Canyon
- Desert Zone
- The Dry Pass
- The Dusty Wastes
- The Scorched Earth
- The High Desert
- The Sand Dunes
- The Hidden Oasis
- The Stinging Dust
- The Blistering Hills
- Island Zone
- The Tribal Village
- The Sweltering Jungle
- The Sandy Shore
- The Balmy Coast
- The Windy Shore
- The Deserted Island
- The Shady Isthmus
- The Burial Grounds
- The Green Shoal
I would like to thank Shannon and Myles for their help. :D