World Atlas

The page is still WIP, but it's getting there. =_= You have no idea how much work was put into just getting this map up. Whatever. I guess I need to love someone as much as ANYDEV loves us.

Any who, things to look forward to on this page: A list of Zones and areas and a link to each area via the map. Ah, you see its importance now do you? :]

Well, if you feel like checking it out now, the map actually has about eighty (80) images in it. It's not just the eleven (11) rows of the table that you can see. Hopefully, I can figure out how to get rid of those spaces within the next few days... and get the darn thing to fit inside of the box, that I already had to fuss with to get that big. If it goes any bigger, I don't think it'll look pretty. :[

Loves and Huggles. Panda.

Zone and Area Archive:

  1. Haven Zone
    1. Village Outskirts
    2. North Haven
      1. The General Store
      2. House
        1. Petting Zoo #1
        2. Petting Zoo #2
        3. Petting Zoo #3
        4. Backyard
        5. 2nd Floor
    3. Central Haven
      1. The Schoolhouse
  2. Forest Zone
    1. The Bushy Woods
    2. The Darkened Forest
    3. The Fairgrounds
    4. The Shadow of the Mountain
    5. The Damp Forest
  3. Mountain Zone
    1. The Gentle Climb
    2. The Frigid Heights
    3. The Windy Peak
    4. The Precarious Ledge
    5. The Rocky Pass
    6. The Gentle Decline
    7. The Harbour
  4. Swamp Zone
    1. The Murky Trees
    2. The Secluded Reeds
    3. The Foggy Swamp
    4. The Dry Swamp
    5. The Dense Thicket
  5. Friend Zone
    1. The Friendly Woods
    2. The Friendly Swamp
    3. Hat Head Lake
    4. The Friendly Mountain
  6. Snow Zone
    1. The Billowing Snows
    2. The Glacial Crevice
    3. The Cracking Path
    4. The Frozen Lake
    5. The Snowy Plains
    6. The Hidden Valley
    7. The Beast's Field
    8. The Frosty Canyon
  7. Desert Zone
    1. The Dry Pass
    2. The Dusty Wastes
    3. The Scorched Earth
    4. The High Desert
    5. The Sand Dunes
    6. The Hidden Oasis
    7. The Stinging Dust
    8. The Blistering Hills
  8. Island Zone
    1. The Tribal Village
    2. The Sweltering Jungle
    3. The Sandy Shore
    4. The Balmy Coast
    5. The Windy Shore
    6. The Deserted Island
    7. The Shady Isthmus
    8. The Burial Grounds
    9. The Green Shoal

I would like to thank Shannon and Myles for their help. :D